Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Happy 2nd Birthday, Everly

Last year, I started this blog in Febrary, after Cortlan had turned three and before Everly's first birthday.  The first time Ev's birthday came around, I wrote her birth story.  The first time Cortlan's birthday came around, I wrote his birth story.  Now, I have been preserving some memories here for enough time that bits and pieces of the entire year since Ev's last birthday is on record.  And now, on this birthday, I have the opportunity to look back at the past year with wonder at how much my little girl has grown.

When Everly turned one, she was not really walking at all.  She was saying few words, and signing a few more.  Not being able to communicate as much as she clearly wanted to, she was easily frustrated.  She loved being tickled.  She loved shoes and hats and sunglasses.  She couldn't drink out of a cup that wasn't a sippy without spilling.  She was starting to get the hang of using utensils.  She looked tiny in her new car seat as she transitioned from her rear-facing infant carrier but she loved holding Cortlan's hand in the car. 

To imagine that was only a year ago.

Now my little girl looks tiny in her twin bed, having just transitioned from her crib, but fills up her carseat.  She drinks out of a big girl cup like a pro.  She is mastering utensils, though still prefers to eat with her hands most of the time if we let her.  She is running, and trying really hard to jump.  She loves music and dances around whenever she has to opportunity.

She still loves shoes and hats and sunglasses.  And she still loves being tickled. 

Her communication skills have infinitely improved.  She amazes us with her vocabulary and makes us laugh.

In the car, yesterday...
Everly:  Mommy!
Me: Yes?
Everly:  Mommy!
Me:  Yes?
Everly:  Turn round!
Me, turning around from the front seat and looking at her:  Yes, Everly?  What do you want to tell me?
Everly, with a smile:  Ummmmmmm.....hi, mommy!

At the store yesterday...
Me:  Whose birthday is it tomorrow?
Everly: My!!
(A cute little trait of hers:  she uses "my" as her go-to pronoun.  It serves the purpose of I, my, and me.)
Later at the store, I hummed a little tune.
Everly:  My favit son!!
Me:  What's your favorite song?  Can you sing it?
Everly:  La la la laaaaa!  Favit son!  (all said with a lovely tune)
Me:  Very nice!  Can you sing the Happy Birthday song?
Everly:  Happy Birday, MYYYYYYYY!

Yes, Happy Birthday, My Everly.  I love you.

With a new car, the reach isn't quite as easy, but she still loves holding her brother's hand when she can.

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