Monday, March 28, 2011

Let's try again

It has been brought to my attention that a post I recently wrote might be somewhat misleading or that I may have misrepresented myself.  Now, I would hope that one post written in one state of mind would not be the sole representation of who I am as a person or a mother.  But, for some reason I feel the need to clear some things up:
  • I love my kids and husband.  I would do anything for them.
  • I sometimes wonder if people percieve me as selfish if I take time away from my family to exercise, but the reality is that if I am not happy and healthy, I cannot be a good mom or wife.  Exercise clears my mind, helps me be more patient, helps me be more efficient, gives me more energy...all things that benefit my entire family.
  • I do not run every day of the week.  When I do, I am gone for 30-45 minutes on a weekday or a little longer on a Saturday morning.  I do not leave for hours at a time.  In the summers, when I am home, I leave before the kids are even awake in the morning.
  • When I leave to run, the kids get to hang solo with Daddy, which they love, which he loves, and from which everyone benefits.
  • I am not one to come up with creative ideas, but I can sure copy other people's ideas like a mo, and I do so with no shame.
  • I have not made any popsicle stick creations with my kids, but have been known to do some handprint artwork...the ideas for which were copied completely from other people, but I hope that doesn't matter.
  • I am "that mom"...sometimes.  And I do like being that mom when I can.  It happens more when I am home for the summer; it happened more when I was on maternity leave.  It would most likely not happen during that 30 minutes that I run on a weekday after school, even if I wasn't running.
  • Yes, there are some things that I am unable to do with my kids.  There are only so many hours in a day.  But fortunately, while I am at work, my kids are with teachers that care about them at a wonderful school that has a phenomenal curriculum for little ones - they have music class where they learn about high notes and low notes and get to try different instruments.  Art?  I have art on my fridge, art on my walls, art stuffed into boxes.  Even Everly's two-year old class gets to go to the school library and pick a book each week.  Cortlan now knows more Spanish than I do and has had amazing multicultural experiences, from the Chinese guest teaching them about Chinese New Year to the women dressed in authentic Indian dress teaching them about Diwali.  (I had to Google it.  My kids got to experience a part of it.)  Is their day the same as it would be if they were with me?  Absolutely not.  But they love school and have tons of fun there.  I do not feel guilty about that.
  • For their ages, my kids have an amazing perception of the importance of balance in life.
  • We all have strengths and weaknesses.  We can't be everything at once.  That is okay.  Furthermore, we all have a bad day now and then.  That is okay, too.
  • I love my kids and husband.  I would do anything for them.


  1. You are a sensational mother; never think otherwise. There are days when the remains of a chicken nugget bag from Costco and a sprinkler are all it take; other days, mummy dogs and tally marks make us feel better-but our kids are just happy. Oh, when you feel like being "that mom", you can call me to join in; I promise to reciprocate.

  2. ya, Kelly. You made my day. If I can plan ahead, you know I will call you. :)
