Monday, August 25, 2014

First Day of School

This morning, I dropped my little girl off for her first day of Kindergarten.  Her proud big brother led the way, confident and smiling.  Everly was thrilled and acted like a pro.

There were no tears today - I think I held it together pretty well.  But it is hard for me to believe...kindergarten...really?  And second grade?  Sheesh.  They look so grown up.

I thought about them all day.

I left work early so that I could be sure to be at the bus stop on time.

The bus was 25 minutes late, but I stood there in the blazing sun, camera ready.

And my baby girl was the first one off, and she ran right to me with a big smile and gave me a big hug.

And I felt happy.  So happy.  I wouldn't have missed that for the world.

Cortlan was next...

Guess who he sat next to on the bus?  Yep.  Everly.

And they seemed somehow bigger to me after 4pm.  More mature.  Taller, even.  But definitely more grown up.

I try not to say "Can time please stop?"  I try not to want old moments back.  I know every stage can be a good stage.  But I just want this one to stay for a while.