Friday, September 21, 2012

Can this count as 4 posts?

A couple weeks later and here we are. This is what has been happening.

  • has started calling her brother "Cotlan" instead of "Totlan."
  • wore jewelry to school three out of five days last week; one of those days, she got her necklace taken away because she wouldn't stop playing with it, even when her teacher asked her repeatedly not to. She's not allowed to wear that one to school anymore.
  • changed her clothes three or four times this morning before leaving for school. Ultimately, she wanted to wear a sweater. As soon as we got to school, she took it off anyway.
  • has been getting out of her bed regularly at night. I finally told her that I am going to start marking down how many times she gets out of bed, and there are going to be consequences if she gets too many marks. (I have yet to figure out how many is "too many.")  Last night, she didn't get out of bed until 11pm, when she woke to go potty. (She won't get a mark for that.)
  • loves cutting and gluing, is very good at recognizing her letters and letter sounds, and is very motivated to learn.
  • thinks that she can spell, because she keeps randomly spouting off letters and asking me what that spells. For example: "Mommy, what does 't-t-t-t-l-p-l-r-y' spell?." Usually, I sound out what she spells and then tell her it isn't a word. Once, though, she said, "Mommy, what does 'e-a-r-l-y' spell?" I had to give that one to her. Cortlan was amazed she could spell "early".
  • doesn't care much about saving things. When she is done, it can be thrown away.
  • started gymnastics and loves it. Though, she needed to be sure to have the ponytail holder that matched the leotard she wore.
  • laughs and says "You kicked me?? No you didn't!" when his sister clearly means "tricked." He calls her on her mispronunciations all the time...maybe that is why she has started to say his name right.
  • was on "yellow" three out of five days last week at school when we picked him up. This isn't as bad as red, but he should be on green. His teacher said, "He was being way too silly with his friends."
  • has been doing a great job at getting himself dressed in the morning. For the most part.
  • seems to be taking advantage of his color blindness (for John's benefit: his color vision deficiency). Several of the worksheets that he has had lately have required him to correctly identify colors. For example, he was to color all of the pictures that rhymed with "boat" blue and the ones that rhymed with "jar" red. Other worksheets had him using as many as eight or ten colors. I asked his teacher how he has been doing with those activities. She said that his friends help him tremendously, giving him all of the crayons, telling him what color they are. "Here, Cortlan, this is the brown one! This is the red one!" I can just picture it.
  • went to the allergist in August and found out that, among the things for which he was tested, he is severely allergic to grass, ragweed, two other weeds that I can't remember, oak, and cat. He did not show a response for crab, lobster, or shrimp. He is on a nasal spray, a liquid allergy medicine, and eye drops. Yesterday, at the follow-up appointment, we found that he may have to get his adenoids removed. An ENT appointment is up next to find more information about that.
  • must save everything. It is driving me crazy. Every piece of paper. Every bottle cap, paper towel tube, even the used dixie cups he drinks water out of at school. He sobbed when I told him we were going to have to throw some of it away.
  • started soccer again. He got a goal in the first game and was thrilled! The second game didn't go quite as well, but he did seem to enjoy it. He is really liking gymnastics.

  • has been working hard and doing a great job at what he does. I am proud of isn't easy to deal with as many people as he does with the grace and respect in which he does it. He is very appreciated at work and at home.
  • has been able to experience the "gymnastics thing" this year which involves listening to a whole lot of moms chatting away in the viewing room. He is driven as crazy (or crazier) than I typically am.
  • washes dishes like nobody's business.
  • have been wondering how I got such a high maintenance daughter.  Seriously. 
  • can't believe that I spelled kindergarten incorrectly in two posts. And my mom had to call me to let me know about it.
  • have been running regularly (though half the time not getting home until after 9pm) and finally was convinced to sign up for my 3rd half-marathon.  I have a running buddy that I get to run in the evenings with most days, and I have been loving the opportunity to chat and have some social time while exercising.  Often, it is the only socializing I get to do.
  • have had some very stressful days at work lately, but I am kind of proud of myself in how I handled them.
  • am somehow calmly appreciating my life.  I have alone time (kind of); I have time when it is just me and the kids; I have time when it is the four of us; I have time when it is just John and I...and I appreciate and enjoy all of those times for what they are.  I realize that I need all of that, and that it is all good.

Thursday, September 6, 2012

Just a couple of random things while I have a second...

  • The new school year is a time for a fresh start - a new attitude, a new perspective, sometimes a new way of doing things; a chance to start over.  I have reprioritized a bit this seems to be working so far.  Though, those priorities have left me with far less time on the computer.  Which is a good thing.  Except I miss writing this blog.  And I have missed a time-sensitive e-mail or two.  Oops.
  • The kids school year has started off well.  Everly seems to be having a few more growing pains than Cort with the change, but for the most part, the transition has been smooth.  Cortlan loves kindergarten and though I was worried tremendously when his first papers came back mostly incorrect, I was kind of happy to see how he handled it:  He has asked to work on his numbers at home, wants to have "number school," and is really working hard to learn from his mistakes.
  • I visited a friend and her two-week-old the other day.  I got to hold a beautiful little sweet-smelling newborn girl and reminisce about my kids being so tiny.  As we talked about babies sleeping and nursing and schedules and routines and waking up in the middle of the night, I felt a little jealous about how smoothly things seem to be going for her.  I swear it didn't work that way for me.  (A trip to Walmart that involved my mom carrying Everly away and me still hearing her scream from across the store stands out.)  But I am so happy for her, and I hope that things continue to go so well.  As we talked, I thought about how sweet it was to sit in the peaceful night with nothing to do but cuddle and nurse my sweet babies and how awesome it was to be able to care for them and nurture them.  And I thought how much I still love to care for them and nurture them.  And how glad I am that that doesn't involve waking up in the middle of the night anymore.
  • I have been thinking lately about some stuff and came to this conclusion:  There are pros and cons to everything, but sometimes, just sometimes, you just have to throw all of that out the window and do what makes life easiest.