Monday, April 11, 2011

She Says, No. 5

Everly (from the back seat of the car):  Mommy-Joyce!  Mommy-Joyce!!
Me (turning around and looking):  Are you talking to me?

Everly (at dinner, upset about something like not wanting to use her fork or eat her veggies):  Mommy, you hutting myyy feelins!

Everly (at dinner, with her cup out of reach because she was about to knock it over):  Want my milk!
John (trying to urge her to ask nicely):  You want more milk, please?
Everly (very angry):  I've plenty!!  Want my milk!!
MeDid she just say that she has "plenty"?!
JohnWell, there is some in her cup, so I guess she doesn't need "more".  Then, to Everly:  You want your cup?

EverlyI haf go potty. Get treat.
MeYay!  Everly!  Good job going pee on the potty!
EverlyI make Mommy happy!!  Treat?

(Yes, after she started to regress instead of progress with the potty training, we started bribing her with a single Smartie. Yesterday, she went the whole day without going pee in her Pull-Up. She did go #2 twice, and asked every 20 minutes or so to go on the potty to get a treat, but every time she asked, she actually did go. I am hoping this doesn't backfire.)

Then, later, MeAre you going to eat that treat?
Everly: No, hold it.

And she did.  I don't know if she ever ate it, or if she just lost it in the yard somewhere along the way, but she held on to that treat like it was the last one ever.


  1. Oh, Joyce, I just love reading what the kids have to say. I can almost hear those little voices speaking their minds. The way you spell the words exactly as they speak them is perfect!

  2. Thanks, Leslie! I am hoping I will hear their voices when I read this years down the road. It is amazing how quickly their speech changes. (And I just thought of another one. Hmm. Guess it will have to wait for an upcoming post.) :)
