Wednesday, April 6, 2011

13.1- Here I come!

I am fortunate to have some friends who know a lot about running:  One has inspired me tremendously over the years, as she logged mile after mile with a running stroller and then a double running stroller, who had the insight to buy me Run Like a Mother for my birthday last year, who can totally relate to me as a mother runner, and to whom I will always be grateful; One that I consider my "resident expert," who has run countless races of all distances (quickly, I might add), and has coached people to successfully run countless more, who can whip out a training plan with codes and jargon in no time flat and then clearly explain it and convince me that I can do it in an even shorter period of time; And one who I knew as a runner even before I knew her name, as I saw her run on campus for years before I met her, who makes it seem so natural and effortless and just part of life, who also inspires and motivates me on a regular basis.

Thanks in large part to these three friends, I now have the motivation, inspiration, training plan, confidence, and running partner to do something I never really thought I would do: run a half marathon.

Monday was Day 1 of the meticulously thought out, friend-written training plan that beats the pants off anything I could have found online and that will ultimately prepare me for the 13.1 mile race in September.

And as I was driving home on Monday, the rain beating down heavily on my windshield, I comforted myself with one thought:  At least it is warm.

My plan:  to run a three mile tempo run -  rain or shine.  (Yeah, I hardly know what tempo run means, but I am learning.)

I got home, changed my clothes, bracing for the rain, wishing I didn't have to get my new shoes all wet, hoping my ipod could hold its own against the water.  I stretched.  I laced up my shoes.  I stepped out the door.

It stopped raining. 

I ran my three, pacing as best I could according to instructions.  On this day, one of the warmest days we have had this year, with the air so fresh after a spring rain, it was hard to not dance when my favorite song came through my earbuds at mile 2.

My three miles ended at the entrance to my neighborhood, where I began my cool down.  I made my way back towards my house, and with about ten steps left to my sidewalk, the rain began again.

And within ten minutes, the sky completely opened up and gave us one of those completely thorough drenchings that beats so heavily on the roof that you stop what you are doing and look up.

There was one time on Monday that I was able to run.  And there was one time Monday that the rain stopped.  I realize the rain didn't stop just for me, but there was something about that run in a sunny spot right between some dark clouds and pouring rain, something that made me feel like even the Universe is supporting me right now.  And I certainly can't let the Universe down.

So, 13.1 - here I come!

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