Friday, October 1, 2010

They told me I was happy

I know.  I know.  This is supposed to be my happy place...a place where I record all the good stuff.  But you know what?  It has been another rough few days.  I think that the hectic pace of life kind of starts to get to me after a while.  The novelty of a new schedule and a new routine has worn off.  My family members are too seldom all in the same place at the same time for my tastes.  And the to-do list keeps getting bigger while the time available keeps getting smaller.  So, this morning I was really not feeling very happy. 

Then I checked my e-mail and came across this on the yahoo site.  And what do you know?  I am happier than I think I am!

Just in case you don't feel like actually looking at the article, the title is "9 signs you are happier than you think."  Let's take a look:

You were a smiley student.  Well, I didn't get a college yearbook picture taken that I remember.  Maybe I did.  Did I?  Hmmm.  I don't know.  But I bet if I did, I was pretty darn smiley.  I know I was in my high school yearbook.

You have a sister.  I do!  I do!!

You are not glued to the TV.  I am not.  Unfortunately, it generally isn't because I am socializing, reading, or attending religious functions, so I am not sure that this one works for me.  BUT, I am generally playing with my kids, exercising, cleaning, or sleeping instead of watching TV.  That has got to count for something, right?

You keep souvenirs on display.  Hmm.  Do photos count?  Some of my favorite pictures on display are the ones that my husband and I got professionally taken on our honeymoon and the pictures of my kids at the beach.  Souvenirs?  You mean like mugs and bells and stuff?  Nope.  Though, we do get Christmas ornaments from our vacation spots that get displayed on our tree.  So, yeah.  I am giving myself credit for this one, too.

You make exercise a priority.  Um.  Yeah.  If you have read this blog before (even just the most recent post) you know this one is a big fat yes.

You have a healthy love life.  Blush.  No comment.  (My mother-in-law and sister-in-law read this!!)

You hang out with happy people.  My kids are darn happy, if I do say so myself.  But, yes, I do have a few other happies in my life.  And I love the time I get to spend with them.

You stay warm with hot cocoa.  Yay!  I love hot cocoa!!  I just had some tonight!  And this makes me think I should drink more of it.  Nice.

You have two best friends.  In high school, there was always an officially designated person recorded as my "best friend."  I even had the be-fri and st-ends necklaces at one point.  (Remember those?)  Those "best"  friend lines got a little more blurry as I have gotten older, but I can think of at least two people I know I can call in any situation and they will be there for me 100%.  That is a pretty great feeling.

So, there you have it:  a self-scored, perfect 9 out of 9.  Who cares how I felt this morning?!  I am happier than I think I am!


  1. I scored almost identical to you, Joyce. I'm happy to have it verified that I am, indeed, a happy person. You can dwell on the good or dwell on the bad. I choose to focus on the positive.
