Saturday, February 27, 2010

My Happy Place

Largely through my Facebook experiences, I have realized that sometimes I have something I really want to say, and sometimes I just want to connect. I want to hear what everyone else has to say.

I have every intention to make this blog my "happy place." The place that I can come for words of encouragement {even if they are only my own because no one comments..hahaha :-) }, to relive fond memories, and to get my thoughts out (but not complain...too much). I am pretty sure that this will evolve into all sorts of things if I let it go on long enough (or if it lets me?), but today I want to picture it as a place for me to grow.

I have several people in my life going through some really hard times. Unfortunately, we have all been there...unless you isolate yourself from the world, you will deal with the ups and downs that result from being in relationships with people - the hardest, of course, being death. Loving hard means grieving hard. (I am sure I am not the first to say that.) But would you give up the love to avoid the grief? Those who have experienced it would undoubtedly say, "no."

I don't want to dwell on the sad things, but I want my friends to know that I feel for them.

And with that, what I would love is for you to think back and tell me something that you smiled at today, something good that happened, even the smallest thing that you appreciated, something that you can add to this "happy place." If not for me, if not for you, then for those friends that we all know who are going through those hard times.

I will start...

Today, at dinner, Cortlan scooted his chair closer to mine and said, "Mommy, I am moving closer to you, because that is my favorite place to be."


  1. When my 3 year old came over and whispered in my ear, "Mommy, you're the best mommy in the whole universe." Followed by a hug and a kiss. Makes you feel like you can accomplish anything despite any and all limitations...

  2. I am going to add another one. There was a moment today that I actually appreciated the beautiful falling snowglobe-type flakes. Maybe summer wouldn't be quite as awesome without them.

  3. Tucking my little baby Kate into her crib with her footie jammies on, soft blanket covering her and a glowworm tucked beneath her arm. She looks so precious when I walk out of the room and whisper I Love you. At that moment, I'm happy I to be me and so glad she is mine.
