Sunday, October 10, 2010

And so it ends, for now

It is Reese's Peanut Butter Cup season and I just found out on Friday that I can't run for at least 6-8 weeks.  This just can't possibly be a good combination.

Since I previously mentioned the hip issues I have been having, I figure I will follow up on the topic.  I ran my race on September 26 and ran it well, by my standards.  With the caffeine, the adrenaline, the endorphins, and the ibuprofen coursing through my body, I could hardly tell that I was having issues with my hip as I ran.  Fast forward to 3:45 AM after the race, when I adjusted my sleeping position.  Just the minor shift in body weight sent a screaming signal of pain that woke me from a peaceful sleep.   It happened again a half-hour later.  And then again.  And again.  And come time to step out of the bed in the morning, an uncontrollable and quite audible yelp of pain leapt from my mouth.  Not good.  Not good at all.

So after that, I didn't run.  Or do anything.  And honestly, it started to feel a little bit better.  I had an orthopedic specialist appointment scheduled for Friday, nearly two weeks post-race.  I was feeling good enough that I wanted to see what would happen if I ran.  Maybe the appointment was unnecessary?  So Thursday night, I did run.  And it felt great!  Great to get moving, great to feel the rhythm of my cadence, great to get away for thirty minutes with MY music playing in my ear, great to get my blood flowing, great to break a sweat.  Great, that is, until the following morning.  So off to the doc's I hobbled.

After one of the most humiliating events in recent memory (it involved an x-ray and I will leave it at that), the doctor informed me that I have adductor and abductor issues.  He told me that I can cycle or do the elliptical (neither of which I have), but no running for 6-8 weeks.  He gave me a prescription for physical therapy, for which I have no time unless I can get appointments after 8 o'clock.  He gave me a prescription for a mild muscle relaxer, which I have yet to fill.

At this point, I am feeling pretty bummed about no running, especially since I had come to truly enjoy and look forward to it, and I had found my groove.  But I also realize that a change in pace might be good.  What worries me is that I am not entirely sure what went wrong to cause the issue and, therefore, I am not sure exactly how to prevent it from happening again.  I guess I am now just hoping to somehow be able to maintain the cardiovasular shape I have managed thus far and be ready to start the whole training process over again in early 2011, realistically. 

In the mean time, lock up the Reese's Cups.


  1. Maybe this is a message from above telling you that you need to vary your fitness routine? Sometimes injuries just happen and there's no rhyme or reason, I guess.

  2. Maybe you are right...
    Fortunately, the hip seemed to tolerate spinning pretty well. :)
