Wednesday, April 21, 2010

She says

Well, not much. 


Ok, that isn't all true.  Though, the past couple days haven't been her best (and therefore, not my best).  She has been tired and cranky, and to top it off, has a runny nose and got two shots on Monday.  But it isn't all bad on the Everly front...

I am pretty sure that Everly is trying to say a lot, and she is definitely understanding more and more.  The other day, I told her to get her cup (which was not near us) and "come here".  She did.  She knows where things are, like Elly, for example.  When we come home, she points right to the room that Elly sleeps in during the day.  When I say, "Let's give Elly a treat,"  Everly points to the treats. 

She is working on words.  Though most things sound like "Da," I think I am noticing subtle differences that lead me to think she is saying "done", "dog", and "that."  And I swear she said "shoes" this morning.

Though she doesn't say a lot, she is still communicating and is as cute as could be.  She signed "please" this morning while handing John a bow for her hair.  She is as clear as day when she tells us she is hungry.  And she has decided that she loves being tickled.  When she wants to, she crawls into the middle of our living room, rolls over onto her back and starts squirming and giggling.  Its like she is already imagining how funny it is going to be when someone tickles her.  I have a hard time dealing with Everly crying at times, but her laughter...I can't help but to smile.

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