Monday, April 19, 2010

He says

Sometimes, when I am talking with Cortlan, I find myself wishing that I had a tape-recorder.  The things he says, the connections he makes, the way his mind works as he is trying to figure out the world, the way he says things...I just want to keep our conversations forever.  So, though I don't want to overdo it, I feel like if I at least write some of it down, I will hear his voice play back in my head someday way down the road as I read these snippits of conversations. 

Cortlan:  Why do you have that face on?
Me: I am trying to figure out what you are doing.
Cortlan:  So that's your 'figuring face'?
Me:  Yep, I guess so.

Cortlan:  I want to be a Daddy when I grow up.  How do I do that?
Oh, so many places this could go.  Let's hope for the best.
Me:  Well, it is probably best to get married and be a husband first.  Like, Daddy is my husband and I am his wife.
Cortlan:  Oh!  So Everly can be the wife and I can be the husband!
Ummmmmm.  Didn't see that one coming.  Good logic for a three-year-old:  a husband and wife live in the same house and care about each other.  But, yeah.  That's not the way our family rolls.
After a bit of explaining, he seemed to understand (and luckily, didn't ask for any more details of the Daddy-becoming procedure.) 

Hours later from the backseat of the car:
Cortlan (matter of factly): When I grow up, I am going to be a husband and a Daddy.
So, he hasn't given up on the aspiration, yet.  Hopefully, he doesn't.  I would love to have some grandchildren someday.

Just a few minutes ago after dinner...
John:  Cortlan, is that your underwear?  What is going on?  Did you just put something down the front of your pants?
Cortlan:  Yeah, my gloves.
Me (stifling a laugh):  He is calling his socks his gloves.  So, he just put socks down the front of his pants.
John:  Why did you put your socks down the front of your pants?
Cortlan:  Gloves.  Because you guys don't have them on.
John and me:  No, we don't have socks on, but we also didn't put them down our pants.

To be fair, Cortlan didn't have pockets, so I am pretty sure that is why he did what he did.  But I just couldn't stop laughing, especially when he started pulling the socks out later, after I had forgotten that they were there.  I can't even imagine what we are going to get when Everly starts talking.

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