Tuesday, February 28, 2012


I figured since I just got out of my first ice bath, this would be a good place to start with a few updates.  I am training for my second half marathon and race day is May 6th.  All was going swimmingly, until suddenly it wasn't.  As in: I had a killer run on a Thursday, an enjoyable eight mile run on a Saturday, and then by the end of that day, it felt like I had a huge muscle cramp in my butt.  I actually thought that is what it was.  If you have ever had a muscle cramp, you know how it feels even days later (I know this first hand from the many calf cramps in the middle of the night that I had while pregnant with Cortlan).  There is some weird residual effect that you feel for a while.  So, that is what I thought it was, but I figured it would be worth taking a couple of days off.  I did.  And then when I ran on the following Wednesday and it started screaming at mile 2.5, I entertained the notion that what I had thought was a muscle cramp may have been a pulled hamstring.  Over the course of the next two weeks, I fluctuated between thinking I had a high hamstring pull and sciatica.  I still am not entirely sure what it was, but I finally, after over two full weeks of not running, was able to run again on Sunday.  I ran a measly 1.5 miles at a pace a full two minutes slower than my typical pace.  Tonight I did the same thing again....and then came home and sat in an ice bath.  I am ready for the big comeback.

Potty Training
The potty training went pretty well last summer for Everly.  We had quite the issue with getting #2 to happen on the potty, but once it did, we were golden.  Everly started the school year in underwear and has not yet (knock on wood) had an accident at school.  (She has had two at home, but that is another story.)  Anyway, she has still been wearing Pull-Ups to bed.  Until recently.  Check this out:

See those stickers?  On February 5th, Everly woke up dry.  She got a sticker.  She repeated her performance for eight more days, had one wet morning on the 14th, and then three more dry days.  On Friday, February 17th, we decided to put her to bed in underwear.  I have changed the sheets three times since then, but I am feeling pretty good about that going by the wayside pretty quickly.  Could my girl be fully potty trained, day and night, by her third birthday?  I am thinking yes!

It is hard to believe, but last Friday, John and I took Cortlan to his Kindergarten registration. I think he was overwhelmed. He started off well enough, but as he got further into the introductions and people giving him attention, he withdrew more and more until he was buried in my leg and unwilling to leave my side for the evaluation portion of the morning. I walked him to the first station and sat nearby as he quietly, and then more confidently, answered the questions, sorted the shapes, built towers of colored blocks, cut out a dinosaur picture, and drew shapes and letters. Eventually, I was able to walk away, and in the end, he was fine. And he will be fine next year.  I am sure of it.  Now I guess the real question is: Will I be fine?

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