Thursday, February 3, 2011

This post could probably be better

Have you ever thought about how some of your best traits can sometimes simultaneously be your worst?

Case in point:  I have long (forever?) lived with some ingrained, possibly genetically programed trait that leads my behavior like some guy constantly whispering from every shadow, "Hey - you can do better.  You can always do better."

I could have probably found a better picture.  But at least there is one.

I live with the knowledge that there is always room for improvement.  Which is a nice idea and all, and probably got me to where I am in life.  But dammit, sometimes I just want that guy to shut up.

Because sometimes, I just want to stop looking for ways to improve, and ride it out for a while.  But that guy is always making me feel like a slacker.  And I hate being a slacker.

There is always room for improvement...I think about it in every lesson I write and teach at school, as a wife, as a mom, as a person who attempts to eat well and live a healthy lifestyle.  Even as a blogger.  It exhausts me.  It keeps me moving forward, I suppose, but sometimes I just want to be able to be ok with "good enough."  I have a really hard time with that, I think.  (Any psychologists out there?)

So, as I read on a friend of mine's blog (ahem) that basically blogs suck if they don't have pictures in them (ok, maybe she didn't quite put it that way, and I might mention that she is a professional photographer and I really do love and envy her), I have added a picture to not one, not two, but three past blog posts.  And I might try to do better in the future on the picture front. 

But sometimes, the words are just going to have to be good enough.  :)


  1. I think the pictures just help illustrate the story, Joyce. If the story isn't well written, then the pictures don't mean much. Your stories are always entertaining and interesting, with or without pics.

  2. OK, well now I feel like a big doody-head for writing that in the first place. I, of course, did not mean your blog at all. Your blog in and of itself is very pleasing to the eye, and like the poster above, agree that it is really entertaining without pictures. I was more specifically thinking of a blog by a photographer friend about her life, where the format is rather bland and she never includes pictures. The whole thing is just kinda boring. I would never think that of your blog, I love it.

    And, btw, I love and envy you too, but for completely different reasons. I'm always feeling 'not good enough' when I read your blog. See? Its a vicious circle!! :)


  3. Dear doody-head,
    Honestly. Don't feel like a doody-head. I didn't take your comment as seriously as it may sound. It was actually work that led me to thinking along these lines, and then I thought it kind of fitting (and somewhat funny) that I added pictures here after reading your blog. The Pioneer Woman's food blog that you got me hooked on also led to that end. (Holy crap, btw! You are so right about those food pics!)

    And do not envy me, you who made cake pops today. :)

  4. Leslie - thanks! And btw - I always love the pics on your blog. :)

  5. How similar we are, generally surprises me sometimes.
