Friday, February 18, 2011

Happy Anniversary to me!

Know what's weird?  Day by day nothing seems to change.  But pretty soon everything's different.
~Calvin from Calvin and Hobbes

It is hard for me to believe, but one year ago today, I wrote my first post. And 103 posts later, I can't agree more with Calvin.

This has been a revolutionary year for me: one of reflection and realization and much appreciated moments. One of growth. 

And to a large extent, change.

In many day-by-day kinds of ways, things haven't changed much.  But when I look back at earlier posts and see my children one year ago, hear their voices, and recall those moments, I see that things are most definitely different.  Time changes most things...especially children.  They are growing so quickly.

When I read that first post again and think about myself, I realize I have grown, too.  In that first post, I was trying to make sense of a feeling, a need to be better in a bigger sense of the word...and I do think that I have made progress towards becoming a better life-liver, life-appreciator, life-lover.  I have not changed the world, but I have come to realize my place in it a little better.  Writing this blog has helped me keep a certain focus.  It has forced me to look at things from a different angle.  It has been therapeutic. It has been a place to record memories and a place to share.

Also, writing and thinking as I have for the last year has forced me to realize that, most of the time, life is not extraordinary.  But sometimes it is.  Sometimes it deals you a rough hand.  Sometimes it lifts you up, and sometimes it throws you down.  But here it is.  It is the highs and the lows, the trials, tribulations, and triumphs.  It is in this moment, and this place.  It is around you and in you.  This......This is life.

On this one year anniversary, I want to give a shout out to anyone who has ever read this blog, to the few that have followed it or have subscribed, and especially to the people that have taken moments out of their days to send me comments in one way or another about it.  Thanks for being part of this life of mine and for helping me to think differently.  Thank you for letting me be a part of yours.

It is by no means perfect, but my life did change for the better a year ago today, even if only in small and internal ways.  And I am going to keep at it.  And I am going to keep loving extraordinary moment at a time.


  1. Hey Joyce..Thanks for the shout. I'm so pleased I can provide a source of inspiration...isn't that what we all aspire for?
    I enjoy your take on daily life & children very much. And a year ago, I would have agreed w/the part that you said, "Most of life is not all that extraordinary," but being on the journey I've been this past year..I believe the exact opposite. I believe that all the dull, mundane, somehwhat 'normal' moments in life are extraordinary now. The fact you have 2 healthy children..extraordinary, the way you bless us with your thoughts & share a part of your heart with us weekly-extraordinary, the ability to pick up the phone & call a friend or family member about your day-extraordinary...because when something so slight as the ability to hold someone's hand, share a momentary glance where you may smile at one another, touch their face or hear their voice is gone...a whirlwind of guilt (atleast, for me) & wonder & 'OMG...why didn't I take a better mental photo of so-and-so just sitting at the kitchen table..why didn't I close my eyes when she was on the phone with me giving me a pep talk & somehow commit every word to my heart so I could play it a message on an answering machine over & over when sadly, the day will come when I cannot just pick up the phone & 8 seconds later hear her voice..the texture, the sound, her inflection..her laugh...when the ability to glaze over the 'ordinary' moments in a day are gone- that's all you crave when they are gone.'
    So only because of where this year has taken me I disagree...I believe that life is made up of all the little, amazing extraordinary moments that most people don't pay any mind's all a gift..the air we breathe, our health, our outlook, kids, the gift to call a person the greeaatest word in the world, that being 'friend', doggie kisses, Ghiradelli chocolates, laughing til we cry, watching the leaves fall, glancing over at the person in the car w/you (be it your child, husband, sister, grandma or friend) and having that warm glow in your chest (you know, like your first sip of Red Wine-which I might add should not be overlooked as a blessing!) while you think, "God..thank you..I looovvee this person more than I thought possible", the things that you miss if you look away for just a second..and most of us do look away here & there b/c as a society our quality of life distracts us with the true ordinary thoughts.."The car isn't running right, I think she gave me a dirty look-wonder if I should say something, Why can't he put the frigging seat down ever, wow..are those wrinkles? How can I have pimples & wrinkles-wth?, I wish I could get that cute purse I saw the other day, Shit..did I pay the garbage collection bill?, Where did my black sweater go? How do things just disappear around here?, What time is my doctor appointment Monday? Hmmm." It's all static..but we don't change the channel. Just play it for hours on end.
    But I say turn off the radio & keep your eyes on the road..hands on wheel 10 & 2 b/c you just don't know what's around the next corner.
    You inspire all of us, Joyce. Thank you for sharing your thoughts & heart w/all of us! xoxo Love u, friend!

  2. Oh, Danielle. That totally brought tears to my eyes. You are so right. I guess when I said most of life isn't extraordinary I was really trying to say that I've realized that it isn't only the "I sat at a table next to a famous person for dinner" or "I just won the lottery" moments that matter and should be appreciated and that should call for attention, but rather life itself - the every day things that you mentioned. Every moment (even the ones that most would call ordinary) counts and should be relished. You just said it WAY better than me. are making me think I should do a rewrite, now...;) I would change it to "...most of the time, life is not extraordinary. But the moments within it certainly are."
    Thanks for the love.
