Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Ahhh, Genetics.

Welp, it took a while to get the appointment, but last Thursday was Cort's annual birthday visit to the pediatrician.  I might actually say birthday present visit, since my children enjoy going to the doctor so much.  (Seriously, they do.  Not sure what that is saying that going to the ped's office is a definite highlight for them, but Cortlan also truly looks forward to going to the dentist.)  The visit went well.  Here is what we found out:

1.  That our little guy is a little guy.  Not that it is all about numbers, but he is staying right on that growth trendline that he has always been on: 25th percentile in height and 10th percentile in weight. 

2.  He has great hearing, speaks well for his age, and can touch his nose and then the doctor's finger, then his nose, then the finger, then the nose, then the finger quite well.

3.  He might have a "color vision deficiency" (i.e. there is a chance that he is color blind).  We have to get additional testing to be sure, but I have actually been suspicious of this for a while.  Having a dad who is color blind, I have grown up aware of the sometimes subtle difficulties that arise from such a deficiency.  Having some knowledge of genetics, I also know that I am a carrier of the gene and that Cort has a 50/50 chance of inheriting it.  The simple test that the doctor gave (identifying a black, green, and red stripe on the eye chart) did not go quite as well as hoped (his response: black, black, orange).  Maybe it was the lighting.  Maybe he was tired of answering all of the questions after a long exam.  Maybe I gave him a bum x-chromosome.  In any case, no big deal, but off to the opthamologist we will go just to double check.  Even though there isn't really anything that can be done about it, we can at least be aware and make his teachers aware. 

4.  The doctor did a good job.  This I know because she earned a sticker.  From Cortlan.  He brought one for her and gave it to her at the end of the exam.

Next up: The dentist. We are all pumped!!  ;)


  1. Can Cort go to my doctors' appointments for me? I hate going and since he enjoys it so much, it would be a win win situation!

  2. I'm color blind too. Although, I didn't find out until like 2nd grade. My Dad repeatedly drilled the colors with me, it was problematic.
