Monday, January 17, 2011

Secrets? Not really.

I sometimes share my posts on Facebook with some friends.  When I shared the last one, one of my friends commented about not knowing how full-time working moms do it without going completely insane.  Another expressed her concern for not being able to balance things once she goes back to work after a long maternity leave during which she had two children.  She asked me to share my secrets.

I have been thinking about these comments.  Because first, I do often go completely insane.  No joke.  And second, if there are secrets, I would like to know them, too!!  I mean, why hasn't some one filled me in on the secrets??

But the comments also got me wondering how I do do it.  The reality is, there are definitely times that it is easier than others.  And there are definitely times when I flat out have too much on my plate.  But even some of the average weeks go more smoothly than others, and I was trying to figure out why, and whether I do have anything worth sharing with my soon-to-be-a-working-mom-of-two friend. 

I came up with a couple of things.  And here I will begin a new installment on the blog, in the hopes that someone...anyone...will share their secrets with me, too.  Because, honestly, I ain't got much.  But what I have, I will share.  Take it for what it is worth:

Secret #1:  Plan like it is a chore.

As much as I like to be in control and know what is coming and have things planned, to be honest, I really do not like the process of planning.  I would much rather clean the toilet.  There are just too many decisions and details to consider, and it takes interrupted time and concentration to work it all out (to plan, that is, not to clean the toilet).  But when I do take the time, things definitely go much more smoothly.  I make way fewer trips to the grocery store, I spend way less time in the kitchen, my house is cleaner, and I spend more time with my kids.  I probably save more money, too.

There are things that need to be done during the week.  You know - you probably vacuum at least once.  You must do laundry.  You most likely have to get to the store.  And you definitely need to eat.  Also on that list should be the chore of planning.

For example, when I plan my meals for the week, things go much more smoothly.  The idea is this:  Decide what you are going to eat on each day of the week, figure out all of the ingredients, and make ONE trip to the store to make sure you have it all.  I can't tell you the number if times I have run to the store for an ingredient or two...And then the next day realize we are out of milk, so I run to the store again...Only to find two days later that there are no bananas in the house and I have to go back out.  Those were the weeks when I didn't get to the planning on my to-do list.  SO much time and energy wasted, not to mention the end result generally being not-as-healthy meals.  And a very irritated me.  Trust me, the effort it takes to meal plan is well worth it.  (Now, if I can remember to do it more often...)

The planning can go well beyond the meals to days that you will do certain chores, laundry, exercise.  Some people may go so far as planning free time.  But I won't bore you with all of that.  The meals are a biggie though.  Which leads me to...

Secret # 2: Leftovers

Though I would have never agreed to this as a child, as CEO of my household, I can tell you there is nothing better than leftovers:  a meal already prepared for you that you don't have to leave the house for or pay too much money on.  So do yourself a huge favor -  when you are planning those meals (see Secret #1), pick a day when you have more time and make a larger meal so that another day of the week, when you may have a little less time, you can just throw those leftovers in the microwave and not have to waste a single unnecessary moment in the kitchen.

I know that many of you, with kids, without kids, working and not working also have the things you do to balance your life and make it work for you.  Please help us all and share your secrets!!!  How do you make it work without going totally insane?

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