Saturday, January 1, 2011

Happy New Year

The year ended last night on a high note, enjoying the company of some new friends and with many reminders of all of the good things about 2010.  It was a great year.

As we begin the new one, I find myself in an interesting place in life. 

I am a very goal-oriented person, who generally has one eye on the future.  I am a planner.  A long-term-goal-maker.

In my life, as with many, there were milestones: surviving high school and getting into college, doing well in college and graduating, getting that first "real" job, getting an apartment, getting married, buying a house, having a baby, having a second baby, and...done.  Well, I know that I am not really done.  I mean, at least there is the whole raising the children thing.  But for me, for my personal major milestones, I am there.

And it is a weird feeling.  And what is really weird for me, who is notoriously horrible at change (and I have never mentioned that before, right?) is that I almost feel ready for one.  Or, I guess, I feel ready for a new milestone.  Or a new goal, at least.

I feel like this past year has been one full of self-reflection and coming to know myself in a whole new way.  I have made many realizations about life in general.  I have been inspired.  I have been moved.  I have learned new ways to achieve happiness.  I have grown.  I have learned to cut others some slack, and I have learned to cut myself some slack.  I have learned that I am capable of much. 

So I start the year with no real goal in mind, no major milestone added to my list, but with eyes wide open for opportunity and for growth.  And at the very least, a plan to enjoy, to savor, to live.

Happy New Year, friends.  I wish you the best that it has to bring.


  1. I kind of envy your goal motivated way of life, Joyce. I'm exactly the opposite. I just kind of take life as it comes, but I think maybe I would get lots more accomplished if I were a bit more like you.

  2. Ahh....don't be envious. I wish I was a more "go with the flow" kind of person. And I am perpetually disappointed when I don't get everything accomplished that I intend. I am working on it, though!! Pros and cons to everything, I suppose! :)
