Friday, February 19, 2010

Out the door

Well, I got to try my new attitude on for size this morning already. Soundly asleep, enjoying a nice dream, I heard the baby begin to fuss and quickly escalate. Maybe she will just go back to sleep - it has got to be close to time to get up anyway. I glanced at the cell phone that doubles as my alarm - my pulse went into double time and the taste of panic went right up my throat to the tip of my tongue. Fifty minutes late!

Why be upset? There was nothing I could do to make me get up any earlier. We just had to deal with what we had - an hour and ten minutes to get to work, which meant get four people ready (two of which needed showers; one of which needed a bottle, diaper and clothes changed; and one of which can just barely brush his own teeth and get dressed and who somehow got pee all over the bathroom floor even though he was sitting on the potty), get lunches together (thankfully most of that was taken care of last night), get coats and shoes on, get into carseats and drive twenty minutes to daycare, take the kids in, get them situated, get back in the car, and drive to work. In an hour and ten minutes after we woke up. Including drive time.

I took the fastest shower of my life. I decided to wake the 3 year old up before I got ready (not the norm) so that he could kinda sorta get ready while I was. He loves being in the bathroom with me as I get ready anyway. My husband made the baby's bottle and started feeding her in the meantime. We were doing it.

What was on my mind was slightly different than normal...instead of panic, I maintained a calm. I thought about what I didn't want to happen. I didn't want my kids to suffer because I had my cell phone on "silence all." This was SO not their fault. In fact, for once I was so grateful to be woken up by the baby. So, I tried to allow them their time and their morning and to not be mad at them for not hurrying because, really, what is time to a 3 year old? an 11 month old? But, I moved them along as quickly as I could. With three of us dressed, they could play for a few minutes while I get everything together to get out the door and while John finished getting himself ready.

We pulled out of the driveway four minutes later than normal. Wow! And I never got upset - not even about the pee on the floor. (Maybe it was the, "Uh-oh, Mommy. I got a ittle pee on my unde-air. I'm sorwy." that helped diffuse that one.)

We put on a cd that we got in a Chick-Fil-A kids meal. We had never listened to it. When we got to the kids' school, we were in the middle of a great story. Two of the three wishes had been used for a sausage and (accidentally) that the sausage would be on the farmer's wife's nose. We were just about to find out what that third wish was going to be used for.

We got out of the car, and I asked, "What do you think that they are going to wish for?" The reply: "Maybe to get that sausage off her nose!! Sausages don't go on noses!"

Yep, sausages don't go on noses. Why wish for anything else?

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