Saturday, February 20, 2010

Ordinarily Amazing

I have seen some other blogs recently and thought, Is this person for real!? I am not sure if those people's lives are as perfect, picturesque, and fairytale-like as the blogs make them seem to be, but let me tell you: You will not look at a picture of my daughter or me and envy our wardrobes. (If you do, it is probably because someone else bought the outfit.) You will not glimpse a peek at my house and think, "Holy Cow! What do they do for a living?" (We are just teachers, and if there is no mess in the background it is because I cleared it specifically for the picture.) You will not look at my photographs and think, "Wow! She should be a photographer!" (If a picture happens to be good, it was most likely by accident. Though, I am realizing that the odds of getting a really good picture do increase linearly with the cost of the camera. Right now I am using a $130 camera. I probably need a $1300 one before I stand a chance.)

I don't know anyone famous, or have a unbelievable social life. I am certainly not a supermom.

And though my friend who has spent weeks on end surfing in Costa Rica and has partied with Tommy Hilfiger and conversed with Uma Thurman will probably throw up a little in her mouth when she reads this, my life is pretty amazing.

It is pretty amazing because I have a very secure job that I love and am pretty good at, if I do say so myself. And it is pretty amazing because I have a great husband and two beautiful and healthy kids that I love to pieces.

Today is Saturday. I am not going out tonight, and that is ok. I spent the evening laughing because Cortlan calls it a "wick" when he has his underwear up his butt, clapping for Everly when she stood up for five whole seconds all by herself, dancing with my kids in the kitchen to Jack Johnson, trying to figure out why Cortlan called his pretend kite "pout on wine" (only to have it make perfect sense when the "dot com" was added), giggling with Everly as she signed "bath time" by rubbing her belly, and snuggling with my kids as I read them their bedtime stories.

So, yeah, it may not be extraordinary, but this is my life and I really do love it.

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