Thursday, February 18, 2010


Did you ever see something, read something, more like experience something, that gave you a sensation that you may have had a moment there that would be pivotal in your life? Something that made you want to be better? A better photographer, a better writer, a better mom, a better person...I am still not sure. Maybe just a better life-liver. Or life-appreciator. Or life-lover, even.

I had one of those moments not long ago. I have been sitting in that sensation, wondering about it, trying to figure out what it meant in my life. I still don't know. But the fact that I am still thinking about it weeks later makes me feel like I need to do something. Beginning this blog is my start.

Now, I do not think that I am going to change the world; I have no ambitions to do that. I don't even know if anyone but me will even read this. (At this point, I don't even know if I am going to share it with a single soul - on purpose, at least.) But maybe what will come of this, if nothing else, is something for me to look back on and appreciate as my kids grow, as life changes right before my eyes.

What is this blog about? I have no idea. It is about life, I suppose. My life. (?) About living and appreciating what I have. I am writing it because every night when my head hits the pillow, I remind myself how much I appreciate my family and what I have in life...but sometimes, in that same thought, I wonder why I didn't remind myself of that in the moment. So, I guess maybe I am doing this to help me keep focus in life - to appreciate the moment while I am in it, not when it is gone.

Maybe this will be just a place to record memories that I don't want to forget, funny things that my 3 year old said, benchmarks in my 11 month old's life. Maybe it will be a place to mention a good deal that I got. Maybe to just lay down some goals so they aren't just floating around in my head with nothing to anchor them to. Maybe it will turn into something else.

But, it will be me, and my life, and my thoughts, and somewhere to put them.

I don't know, as I begin this, how long and even if I will be able to sustain it. One of my biggest issues in life is not having time for everything. Having a full time job on top of being a full time mom and wife leaves me with little time left. So, this is one more time-consuming endeavor. One more thing to put on my to-do list, I suppose. But I am hoping that it will be worth it in the end.

So, maybe my life will change for the better today, because I am going to start to love even those moments in life that don't seem so lovable. Or at least I am going to try.

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