Sunday, August 12, 2012

How the dentist's fish was named

I was standing by the receptionists' desk discussing our next dental appointment date when Everly walked over and noticed the fish that they had swimming in a glass vase under the roots of a water-fed plant.  The curve of the glass distorted the image, leading Everly to comment on the large size of the fish.  I explained that the fish was actually the same kind of fish as hers, and that it was probably about the same size.  "But theirs is orange and mine is blue," she noted.  Yes, that's right.

We sat down to wait for our much anticipated appointment, but the fish was still on Ev's mind.  "What's their fish's name?" she inquired.  After telling her I didn't know, she decided that we should ask.  I told her that she was welcome to, and to my surprise, she said, "OK!"  I lifted her up just as the hygienist walked over to let us know that our time had arrived to head back for our appointment. 

"Everly has a question for you, if you don't mind."

The hygienist looked at her and without further prompting, Everly confidently asked, "What is your fish's name?"

The hygienist looked at her and said, "You know what?  We don't have a name for our fish!  Would you like to name it?"

Everly didn't hesitate. "Well, my fish's name is Dora," she said. "So, I think maybe your fish should be Boots."

I was kind of impressed, and the glance that the hygienist gave me told me that she was kind of impressed, as well.  She said to Everly, "That is a perfect name for him.  Boots it is!"  Everly proudly smiled.  And I proudly smiled.

On the way out after a great appointment, the receptionists thanked her for naming their fish, and Everly responded with a confident, "You're welcome!"  And it is that confidence that caught my attention and gave me a glimpse into the future.

I loved what I saw.

1 comment:

  1. Had a great time reading these post, good job Everly you made a nice choice of name. BOOTS!
