Wednesday, December 21, 2011

A pretty sweet weekend

This weekend was filled with cookie baking and decorating.  We made three kinds at our house (never mind two of the three were prepackaged mixes) and the kids helped as much as kids can help.  They were definitely a huge help in the eating department.  Cortlan has a shirt that proclaims him as "Grandma's Official Cookie Taster."  He was sure to ask if he could be mine, too.  Specifically, he asked, "Mommy, can I be your 'officianal' cookie taster?"  He did a great job and fulfilled all duties of the postion.

Funfetti cookies are exceptionally kid friendly.  For the first time ever, the kids may have actually expedited the process as opposed to causing it to take twice as long.

At Grandma's house, we baked sugar cookies.  The kids had a blast rolling the dough, pressing the cookie cutters into the dough, and of course, decorating the cookies.  Or over-decorating, to be more accurate.  

Regardless of how they looked, they were delicious and filled with memories.  Their teachers were thrilled to recieve some as gifts, too.

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