Monday, July 4, 2011

July 4th 5K

As I mentioned before, I am training for my first half-marathon, thanks in large part to some inspirational running friends and a plan written by one of them.  So far, I haven't missed a single run from that plan.  And, at least as of last week, I have been feeling strong.  My endurance has definitely improved, as has my cardiovascular shape.  With tempo runs and sprint workouts sprinkled in, I even feel like I have been getting faster.  I may actually meet my goal time once race day arrives. 

At some point last week, I looked at my training plan and decided that I might like to try to run another 5K before the summer is over.  Since I don't think it would be a great idea to do that too close to the race, and since there happen to be many local races to choose from at the beginning of July, I decided that now would be the time.  With the encouragement of a friend, as well as my husband, I decided to run a local 5K that benefits pediatric cancer research.  On the last available day for online registration, I signed up.  The race was today.

We left the house at 7:20 for an 8:30 race start, and I picked up my packet and chip at the pavilion when we got there.  For some reason, I felt much more nervous today that at any other race I had run.  With the weekend's festivities, including late and sleepless nights (one in a tent), and 12 miles run in the last two days (leaving me a bit more achy than I had anticipated), I wondered if this was the best idea.  I began to second guess everything, including what I had for breakfast.  I warmed up and started to feel a bit better, but had to pee four times before the race began.

The race was called The Race for Virginia & Friends.  Virginia died of cancer not long after she turned 9; she would have graduated from high school this year, the final year for the race.  As the racers were called to the starting line, a man who I believe to be Virginia's father spoke.  When he choked up about three sentences into his speech, I found myself fighting back tears.  When he reminded us of why we were running, some of my nervousness subsided and I just was happy to be there running, happy that my own children were able to be there playing on the playground during the race and cheering me through the finish line.

The race was not easy.  While I was running, there seemed to be nothing flat about the course.  Though I felt strong at the beginning, I lost some of that feeling somewhere just past the 2 mile marker.  When the finish line came into view, I was able to pick it up a bit more and ran hard through the finish.  I was happy to walk to the stage with my two children to receive my 3rd place medal (for my age division) and to have set a new personal record.  I was proud to have run the Race for Virginia & Friends.

Here are the results of my July 4, 2011 5K*:

Time: 21:14
Pace: 6:51/mile
Division Place: 3/41
Female Place: 18/374
Overall Place: 72/706

*I never have a particular goal in mind except to always try to do a little better than my prior races.  This one will be tough to beat for me.  I wish I hadn't heard someone say that they thought the race distance was off by a little bit, because it kinda tarnished it a bit for me; I feel like I will never know if this was a true pace (I heard nothing official about any distance issues), but I certainly felt like I ran faster than my prior races!

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