Friday, July 15, 2011

Several things that start with P

There are reasons why I have written a little less than is typical as of late, but I will get to that in another post.  For now, just a few tidbits...

  • I learned a lesson yesterday:  it is better to let the milk cup fall than to try to catch it mid air.  Because if you miss, you might just end up hitting the cup so as to make the milk cover a much larger area in all directions, including the undersides of chairs, the walls, and multiple people.  Had it just been left to fall, I probably would have only had to clean the floor.
  • I am absolutely amazed at Everly's turn around on the potty training front.  I mean, we went from absolute refusal to poop on the potty to initiating it and having no accidents of any sort (since Sunday) in a matter of a week.  After trying bribery, sticker charts, letting her make a mess of herself in her underwear (while playing outside), and multiple other things that entailed both good and bad parenting techniques, do you know what actually did the trick? The fact that "only big girls who poop on the potty get to have their toe nails painted."  If she went on the potty, she got her toe nails painted for the first time.  If she had an accident, the polish came off.  When she filled her sticker chart yesterday, she got to have her fingernails painted, too.  Amazing.  Where did this girl come from?
  • Another amazing turn around: Cortlan in the swimming pool.  Two weeks ago, Cortlan wouldn't even jump into the pool with an adult catching him.  He would tightly hold onto my fingers and plop in, at best.  Now, with a new found confidence, he is independently motoring around the pool (with water wings on) and leaping from the deck on his own.  Yay!
  • I remember the days when everything that came out of Cortlan's mouth cracked me up because of what he was saying, but possibly more because of how he was saying it.  Now, Everly is at that age.  Her "Mommy, whatcha doin', Mommy?" every time we are in the car, or sitting at dinner, or basically doing nothing is somewhat annoying after the 5,000th time, but still makes me smile.  Her calling Cortlan "my Toh-deh" is so endearing.  Her calling toothpaste "poo face" inevitably makes me laugh.  And a good laugh is always welcome.

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