Friday, September 24, 2010

Let's pretend

Sometimes, I think about how much I would like to be three years old again, just for a day.  Based on the intense emotional breakdowns that occur at times, and the not-so-perfect behaviors that lead to tear-filled time outs, I know that I wouldn't want to be three for very long.  But, just for a day, I would like to feel what it is like to not know so much about the real world, to not have so many responsibilities, to feel all the wonder and intrigue, to wear those tiny clothes, to have someone else make all of the decisions (and make all the dinners...)

And to be able to use an imagination like no one but a three year old can.

Yesterday, as I served dinner to the kids, I gave Cortlan a choice:  Would you like the blue plate or the orange?  His response:  I would like the orange.  But can I pretend it is yellow?  Absolutely.

Imagine if it were that easy as a grown up.  Would you like to drive the 2001 Suzuki or the 2007 Suzuki today?  I will take the 2007, but can I pretend that it is a Lexus?  Would you like spaghetti or chicken for dinner tonight?  I will take the chicken, but can I pretend it is lobster?  Would you like to go to Walmart or the grocery store after school today?  I suppose the grocery store, but can I pretend it is the beach?

Absolutely.  Pretend all you want...


  1. What is it they say? That youth is wasted on the young? It's too bad we can't harness all the creative energy the little ones have and use it to solve all the world's problems. In the meantime, I think I'll choose my usual clothes and pretend that they are size two.
