Friday, July 16, 2010

She Says, No. 2

More and more every day.

The "WWAAHHHHHH!!" is certainly still in her vocabulary, but more often it is replaced by (or at least preceded by), "Eh!  Eh!  Eh!  Eh!!  EH!!" and a finger point as she tries to tell us what she wants.

She still isn't clear with her words, but she is getting better, and her spoken and signing vocabulary is increasing daily, and I am pretty sure she understands a good majority of what we are saying to her.  Though, I am pretty sure that she does NOT understand what "first" and "then" mean, as in "First, we will change your diaper, THEN you can play with Cortlan (or have a snack or go outside or...).

Her signing words that she uses on a consistent basis: eat, drink, more, please, thank you (which is just the cutest, especially when it is unprompted or if she has something in her hand and she puts it down just to say it), all done, hat/helmet, sunscreen, come here, open, yes, no, brush teeth, sleep, telephone, and bye-bye.

Her "real" words: more, mommy (which she seems to use for more than when referring to me, but I find the recent switch from mama to mommy adorable), daddy, hi, bump bump (her favorite), ball, Cortlan (well, she tries, and I find it funny when she is calling for him loudly as if he could possibly know), banana, shoes, hat, catch, and today for the very first time, she said bye-bye.  :)

Love her.

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