Wednesday, July 14, 2010

He Says, No. 2

Yesterday, Cortlan was riding his bike like a maniac down the sidewalk and try as I might, I couldn't catch him when he got going too fast.  My cries to "stop pedalling!" were ignored, and as I visualized it in my head three seconds before, the ride came crashing to a halt.  So, of course, he got a scraped knee.  And, of course, a Band-Aid was the necessary fix.  Do all kids have this weird relationship with Band-Aids?

He examined and showed his Band-Aid to everyone he came in contact with, and kept close tabs on it all day.  The decision at bath time was that he would leave it on.  When it was time for him to wash his legs, he commented, "Mommy, I am not going to wash this leg because I have a Band-Aid on it." Ok.  But I did wash it for him, apparently without him knowing.

This morning, Everly called from her crib while he slept, but as I was changing her diaper, Cortlan appeared in the doorway fresh from waking.  The first words out of his mouth:  "Mommy, I am feeling a little stinky because I didn't wash this leg because I had a Band-Aid on it."   Yes, we have quite often said that we take baths so we don't get stinky.  Oh, the mind of a three-year-old.

But, that put a smile on my face this morning, when a lot is weighing heavily on my mind.  And as I have found that happiness sometimes takes a conscious effort, I decided to also write a few other things that have made me smile recently.

A few days ago in the kitchen, while Cort finished his breakfast:
John:  I am going to go back to the bathroom and get ready.
Cortlan:  Daddy, when you go to the bathroom, hop.
John: You want me to hop on the way to the bathroom?
Cortlan: On one foot.
John:  Well, bud.  I am carrying my coffee, and it might spill.
Cortlan (with a shrug of the shoulders):  Ok.

I would hazard a guess that my three year-old isn't the only one with some grammar issues, and though I do make every effort to help him get it right, sometimes I find the little slips to be endearing reminders that Cortlan is still a little boy.  For example, his general misuse of "because" instead of "that's why," as in, "my hands are full because i can't pick that up," gets me every time.  (Translation:  My hands are full, that's why I can't pick that up.)

And the last one for today:
Me: If you don't have your clothes on by the time I have Everly's diaper changed, you are going to have a time out.  I have asked you enough times.
Cortlan:  Nooooo!  Take a long, long time to change her diaper!!!!

Love him.

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