Sunday, June 17, 2012

Father's Day

We drove a mile down the road last Wednesday with the kids in the backseat, their bikes in the trunk.  Donning thier helmets, they pedaled down the path as John and I tried to keep up with them.  The air was warm but crisp; the sky was blue with white fluffy clouds here and there; the sun was shining; and when you looked up you saw the green leaves of mature trees that left dotted shadows on the path. 

Everly pedaled as fast as her little legs could circle.  Cortlan worked to stay just ahead of her.  At one point, we pulled off the side of the path to look at the creek that cut through the woods beside us.  We watched and listened to the water, spotted some fish, talked about what they may have been thinking about.

What I was thinking about was how blessed I am to have days like these...perfect summer days like these.  Days that I want to forever etch in my memory as full of simple happiness with my family.  I was thinking about what a great dad John is and how lucky the kids and I are to have him.  It was definitely a Kairos moment.

Today, Father's Day, as the kids sleep peacefully and the sun shines and I sip my coffee in a comforting silence, I think again about lucky we are.  I have a husband- my kids have a dad- who is kind-hearted, open-minded, hard-working, and thoughtful.  He looks forward to Daddy-Daughter date night.  He builds Lego creations on the floor with Cortlan.  He lets my kids be who they are.  He tries to understand them and thinks about their needs and wants.  He helps them grow.  He enjoys spending time with them.  He gives them so much love.  And I hope on this Father's Day he knows how much we love him. 

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