Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Superhero Run 2012

About a year ago, when Cortlan was four, he ran his first race - a 1K that he and I "trained" for together.  Not long after I had registered us for that race, I had heard of another race for which everyone participating dressed as superheroes.  The tag line for the Superhero race was "Every child needs a hero, but abused children need superheroes."  I thought the race was for a fantastic cause, and thought to myself, "Next year, we will run this race." 

The time came a couple months ago to register for this year's race, and I jumped at the chance.  Knowing Cortlan's current love of superheroes, I was sure he would be all for it; he was.  Everly caught wind of the fact that we were going to run a race and begged for us to let her run it as well.  She wanted to train; she wanted to run.  How could I say no?  I registered all three of us.

We woke on the morning of the race to temperatures far below seasonal - it was in the low 30's when we got to the park.  Despite that fact, we left our coats in the car and superhero-walked it to near the starting line.  Cortlan had decided at the last minute that he wanted to be Bumblebee, I was Robin (thanks to a great friend lending me her Halloween costume!), and Everly, who was thrilled to have gotten a race t-shirt (that could easily be a dress on her) insisted on wearing it and the cape that we got with our entry fee.

Pinning on the bibs

We were cold, but there was a lot going on.  We enjoyed seeing the various mascots from local sports teams, listening to the music, and seeing all of the other costumes.  Soon enough it was time to head to the starting line.

Stretching a bit (and trying to stay warm) before the start
We were all very excited for the start of the race and when it began, we took off.  The three of us ran together for a bit to start, and then before I knew it, Cortlan was pulling away, as Everly and I were too slow for him.  He peered back over his shoulder and I encouraged him to go for it.  The course was an out-and-back course, and Cortlan was to the turn around point and headed back to the finish before we were even close to turning around.  I cheered him on as he passed us going the opposite direction.  I didn't see him again until Everly and I crossed the finish line.

Cortlan running it home

Everly fussed a bit while she was running, and at one point, I thought she was going to bail.  I asked her why she was crying - her fingers were cold (so were mine!).  I showed her how to tuck her hands in her sleeves to protect them a bit (no buttercups in our family!...ok, I just forgot to grab gloves...) and as we reached the turn-around, she seemed to gain speed and confidence.  Approaching the finish line, the spectators were yelling and cheering, and Everly was smiling and determined.  I actually got a bit emotional hearing all of the cheering for her and seeing her reaction.

Everly and I nearing the finish
Everly has already started talking about running another race and I think Cortlan has a newfound sense of confidence after running this one.  I love that they are enjoying something that I love so much.  And I am very proud of both of them.

My little superheroes!
Next up...The Pittsburgh Half Marathon on Sunday! 

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