Friday, May 18, 2012


Sometimes people say to me things like "I don't know how you do it", referring to me working full time, running, writing a blog (or two), and more, while trying to be a good wife and mother (and friend and sister and daughter and coworker and teacher).  I usually smile politely.  Inside, I am often thinking, "Um. I don't.  I commonly fail miserably at one thing or another, while trying to keep several other things up in the air.  For example, I totally forgot to sign my kids up for swimming lessons. The dishes in the sink have been there for going on three days.  And because I work, there are plenty of things that I miss or can't do, like have tea parties with my kids at 10AM or make doctor's appointments without totally stressing out about what time it is going to have to be.  But, I do what I do because I have to and because I want to. And you could and would do it too, if you had to and/or you wanted to.  I am nothing special and there are plenty of people who do more than me."

The truth is, when I think about it, I really do have a lot of irons in the fire.  And sometimes, honestly, perhaps too many.  But, I know where my priorities are and I know what requires my attention and what can wait and, generally, I am able to find some sort of balance and make it work.  Lately, though, I have been all out of whack, and I am not entirely sure why.

But I will tell you that today I looked at my calendar and I realized how close the end of the school year is and I thought to myself, "At least there is an end in sight."  And if it weren't for that, right now I honesly don't know how I would do it.

1 comment:

  1. As I have told you before, my friend-you are badass and a rock star! Don't worry about those dishes; there is a coupon for some at Costco. BTW I just cleaned my fridge for the first time since we moved...I am working on highering the bar
