Monday, April 23, 2012

The Top 10 Reasons I Prefer an Early Run Over an Evening Run

10.  Because the sky gets brighter as I go, not darker.
9.  I am not trying to run on legs that have stood all day and walked from the first to the third floor of my building and back numerous times.  In heels.
9.  Even if I don't get anything else accomplished during the day, at least my run is done.
8.  I shower in the morning anyway.
7.  John makes me breakfast when I get home.
6.  I feel invigorated and ready to tackle the day.
5.  The birds are chirping in the springtime.  The snow is silent in the winter.  Most of the world is asleep.
4.  I wake up before anyone else and have some peaceful time as I drink my coffee.
3.  I can run long and far without worrying about my bedtime.
2.  When I get home, everyone is excited to see me.

And the number one reason I prefer waking up early on the weekend to run over an evening run any day:
1.  All I have to say is "I need a monkey!" and I have one on my back to help me stretch everytime.

My monkey is usually asleep when I get back from my evening runs.  Just one of the reasons I love running in the morning.

1 comment:

  1. I love watching the neighborhood wake up! It is empowering to be the first out-flashing light, zinglet, and all. Everything else seems easier during the day if I run before the kids wake up.
