Monday, September 12, 2011

A million thanks from a runner

I have officially run 506.5 miles (or so) since the first week of April, which is when I began training for my first half-marathon.  That race is this coming Sunday, and I have a mere 10 more miles to run until that big 13.1. 

I am so lucky to have many amazing friends that have encouraged and supported me through the training, by doing everything from writing my training program to providing me with playlists to commenting on Facebook to actually running with me.  I am sad though that, due to circumstances beyond anyone's control, the friend with whom I signed up for the race isn't able to run it.  But I will just pretend she is there listening to me breathlessly sing to Ke$ha and Pitbull and Mumford and Sons as I make my way to the finish line, and all will be well.  To be honest, since she lives so far away from me, we weren't ever planning to actually, physically, train together.  And despite the fact that I was hoping to have her there at the race pushing me along, I think that what I needed most was the push to sign up for the race in the first place, and that she did.  And she has encouraged me and answered my annoying, novice questions all summer long.  So for all of that, I thank you, Coach A.  :)  I will miss you on Sunday.

I am also incredibly lucky to have a husband who has been totally willing to work around my somewhat crazy running schedule, especially since the beginning of the school year, when time became very scarce.  The bedtime juggling act combined with trying to get 6-8 mile runs in before it gets too dark has been challenging, but John has fully supported my efforts and goals, and has sometimes nearly pushed me out of the door as I lingered a little too long doing "one last thing" before I left.  I didn't even have to set my alarm to wake at ungodly hours to fit my 12 and 9 mile Saturday runs in the past two weekends.  Thanks, babe.  Love you.

Finally, I must thank my kids for accepting completely that Mommy runs, for respecting and expecting that it is a part of our lives, for encouraging me, for wanting to go to my races, for asking if they can run with me, and for constantly asking me if I am sweaty.  And for giving me the best hugs, even if I am.

Let the countdown begin.

1 comment:

  1. You're going to do fab! I'm super proud and amazed by you! xoxo, Amanda
