Friday, September 2, 2011

I feel a change a comin'

I used to be super organized.  At least I thought I was...until I had kids.  Now, I just have completely random stuff everywhere.  In every corner.  On every surface.  Let me look around for just one moment...  Right now, there is triple antibiotic ointment on my computer desk in my kitchen.  There are a pair of jeans on my counter.  There are two of Everly's hair ties on the floor.  There is a stack of stuff ready to go downstairs.  There is a stack ready to be filed.  And then there are the papers that I just don't have a clue what to do with all scattered about. 

I am not quite sure what happened to me, but I can pretty much say when it happened...about four and a half years ago.  That is also right about the time when my desk at school went from immaculate to "there is a desk under there?"

But let me tell you what I did yesterday:  I finally made little days of the week placards and organized all of my handouts on my counter at school so that the kids can see what they missed in an instant and get what they need for themselves.  Gone is the stack of manila folders on my desk and sorting through for the papers that they missed.  Why didn't I do this years ago?  I have no clue.  But it is awesome.  And I can still see every part of my desk so far this year.

And let me tell you what I did an hour ago:  I made a grocery list on a google doc and organized it by aisle.  Yep...boldface titles like "dairy."  It felt so good.

Could it be that I am finally getting my organizational groove back? 
Well, I haven't replaced the batteries in my labeler yet, steps.  I am taking baby steps. 

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