Wednesday, August 17, 2011

The Good, The Bad

I figure there is always two sides to the coin, always some good and some bad about everything.  Or, something nice and something that kinda sucks.  Here are a few examples:

Kids growing up:
Kinda sucks: We will never get to experience this again.
Kinda nice:  We will never have to experience this again.

Having a broken dryer:
Kinda nice:  Having a great excuse to not do laundry.
Kinda sucks:  People tend to still wear fresh clothes every day.  The pile is growing.  And growing.

Training for a half marathon:
Kinda nice:  I am pretty sure my legs haven't looked better since high school.
Kinda sucks:  My second toenail on my left foot will never be the same again.  I hope a pedicure can at least disguise it a little bit for the wedding I am in this weekend.

Kids that sleep until 8AM:
Kinda nice:  I get to sleep til 8 AM, also.  Or, I can set my alarm and have a cup of coffee, check my e-mail, and go for a run all before they wake up.
Kinda sucks:  The fact that I will have to wake them at 6 AM to get to school on time.  I am pretty sure that is going to be torturous for all involved.

Going back to school:
Kinda sucks: Um. Don't get me wrong, I love my job. But man I am going to miss the summertime freedom to hang out with John and the kids, run in the morning, plan the day on a whim, and sleep.
Kinda nice: The return of structure and routine, the chance of a great group of students, the opportunity to start fresh and do things even better this time around.

Here is to focusing on the positive.

(Feel free to add your own in the comments!)

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