Tuesday, June 28, 2011

A few things

  • I have long avoided getting my hair colored...I never have, and wasn't really interested.  Until the greys kept coming like crazy.  Yesterday, I got it "glazed."  The stylist convinced me that it was the way to go, after I explained to her that I don't have the budget - time or money - to keep up with getting it "touched up" every 4-6 weeks.  With the glaze (that fades out as it grows out) there supposedly won't be any of those dreaded roots to deal with.  We will see.
  • On the same note, I have also long avoided the dreaded "mom cut."  To be honest, I don't even really know what that means.  But, nevertheless, I have avoided it.  I am now realizing that most women in their mid-thirties avoid getting the mom cut as well, and hence, we all have the mom cut.  I think.  If that is what it even is.  I mean, I am a mom.  So, what does that make my haircut?  Damn.
  • I am pretty sure that Cortlan is allergic to crab meat.  Damn again.  I love the stuff.  L.O.V.E.  But, the first day of eating the crabcakes, he said he didn't like them, took forever to eat half of what I had put on his plate, and said his throat hurt.  The second day, when I served half of a crabcake on a bun with mayo and a big slice of tomato (one of his faves), he tolerated eating it a little better.  Then he said, "Mom, my lips hurt."  And I said, "Like what?" And he said, "Like a bunch of bees stung my mouth."  And I said, "Hmmm.  What do you think that is from?"  And he shrugged his shoulders and said, "I don't know."  (Meaning, to me, that he wasn't just trying to come up with an excuse to not eat his sandwich.)  His lips were still tingly an hour later when I asked him.  Especially considering John's mom and brother both are allergic to crab meat, I don't think I am going to be forcing crabcakes on him again anytime soon.  Or ever.
  • I am going a little crazy dealing with a daughter that won't poop on the potty and a four-year-old son that is having tantrums like a two-year-old.  But other than that, I think summer is going well.

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