Tuesday, November 30, 2010

November is a memory

It is hard for me to believe that it is the last day of November, and this is only post numero cinco of the month for me.  It is especially hard to believe because so much has happened this month.  A bazillion post ideas have come across my mind.  And if I could go directly from brain to post without the interference of actually having to sit down at the computer, you might just call me a blogging fool.  Or something like that.

There are many reasons that I write this blog.  Today, I am going to focus on preserving memories.

Memory #1:  The Fall Festival
I am thrilled that the kids' new school takes the time and effort necessary to put together things like the fall festival that was earlier this month.  Prior to the show, Cortlan came home talking about how they were going to get to be on stage and how they were practicing new songs.  They were working hard.  And in my head, I had ideas about how both kids would do when their respective classes got on stage.  I was right on some counts and wrong on others. 

First up was Everly and her class performing a "Freeze" dance.  The music played, kids danced and swayed, and then the teachers would say "freeze" and the kids would.  Or at least some kids did.  Everly got on stage (we hid so she wouldn't freak out when she saw us), purse in hand, and kinda wandered around to the music.  Generally speaking, she slowed down when they said, "freeze."  Though, at one point when most of the kids were frozen, she did do some fantastic bunny hops.  Other super cute moments:  Everly clasping her hands (purse securely on her arm) during the Baby Bumblebee song and lying down on command for the Sleeping Bunnies song. 

We got to watch a few other classes perform and the soon enough, Cortlan was up with his class.  The kids lined up, and Cortlan did a little nervous stare out into the crowd.  That didn't change a whole lot once the music began.  Though, his lips may have moved a little bit.  He certainly didn't distract anyone or act out like a couple of the kids did.  The songs were adorable ones of leaves falling and turkeys gobbling, and Cortlan stood there looking adorable in his handmade and decorated fall headdress.  When it was all said and done, he was so proud of his stage appearance, and we were so proud of both of them.  My heart went out to the parents whose kids cried and screamed for them and wouldn't even get on stage.  (But I was really glad to not be one of them this time.)

Memory #2: Thanksgiving Weekend
So many great things happened over the weekend, which was awesome to begin with because it was our first days off since Labor Day.  A quick summary of a few:  On Thanksgiving, we hung out, watched the parade, and didn't get out of our PJ's until after nap.  (Well, I got out of mine during the kids' nap.)  We then went to my parents' house where we got to spend an awesome afternoon/evening with family and good food.  Friday, after some Black Friday shopping on my part, the Christmas decorating began.  I love my house all dolled up for the holidays.  Saturday, Cortlan woke, went into the living room, and then excitedly proclaimed his news.  Our Elf on the Shelf was here!  Last year, Cortlan named his elf Caische (I can't tell you how long it took me to figure out how to spell that) and his presence in our house has made for a fun tradition already.  After breakfast, we took the kids to see Santa at the mall.  Cortlan told Santa what he has been telling everyone that he wants for Christmas:  A grill.  That is it.  A grill.  As usual, Cortlan has not asked for more than one thing.  Though, he did throw in a suggestion for Everly: some Play-Doh.  The day ended with the decoration of the Christmas tree.  I was thrilled at how excited Cortlan was with even the thought.  He could hardly contain himself as the time to hang the ornaments drew near.  In his words, "I am so excited that no one could ever believe it!"  That excitement was only matched by his excitement Sunday morning when he saw that Caische had moved to a new location.

Memory #3:  Let's Talk
I am not quite ready to do another "He said, She said" series of posts just yet, but I didn't want to skip mentioning the blossoming vocabulary and speech of Everly.  What began at the beginning of the month as "Elly's pretty" has led to "I want more ketchup."  Ok, so to the common person it may have sounded like, "Aaant moe deh dah."  But to me it was crystal clear.

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