Wednesday, December 8, 2010

The tirimisu at Carmine's was heavenly

So I recently got back from a trip to NYC - four glorious days of bus and subway riding, tour going, show seeing, Christmas shopping, overeating, walking, and keeping track of other people's kids - to an overload of things to do and a sudden realization that Christmas is only a couple of weeks away.

I really missed my kids.  A lot.  I kept seeing kids in strollers and wishing I was happily pushing mine along as well.  (And then I would realize that the odds of my kids sitting that still just watching the world go by, watching their parents shop, and staying up way past their bedtime without so much as a peep or whimper or a "I wanna walk!!" are pretty slim.  I don't know if they sedated these kids or what, but it was almost weird.)

Anyway, two days later, I finally got the suitcase unpacked.  I also finally cracked the newspaper (really to just look at the ads at this point) and got to the end of the first paragraph in an article in the Parade magazine (that is tucked away in with the ads) before I stopped to record it here:

Jack Black's best parenting advice:  "Never try to make a happy child happier.  Just leave it alone.  When you try and kick it up to another level with a scoop of ice cream or whatever, it ruins everything."

So, so true.

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