Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Random recap in photos

I am perpetually behind these days.  Mother's Day has come and gone.  Someday, I will post something about that.  But for now, here are some photo recaps of recent times:

Cortlan recovered from his surgery at home, but his friends didn't forget about him:

Neither did family and friends.  His aunt and cousins sent him a couple of special gifts in the mail:

Cortlan was getting a lot of special attention, which had Everly feeling a bit left out, so she and I went on a Mommy and Me trip to the mall, where we used a gift card for Build a Bear that she received for her birthday:

While he was out of school, Cortlan lost his first tooth (April 27th, 2013).  He may or may not have been disappointed with the $1 that the tooth fairy left him.  I may or may not have felt bad about that:

A robin decided that our window looked like something worth attacking, and did so repeatedly.  It became so annoying that we had to bring in Spiderman to save the day.  The robin has since avoided our window, but moved on to our neighbor's:

This was weeks ago, but Spiderman is still protecting our window.

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