Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Mother's Day

Mother's Day is one of my favorite days of the year.  Perhaps it is because my kids say things like, "Everly, it's Mother's Day!  Do you really want to fight??!" to each other.  Perhaps it is because I get heartfelt homemade gifts and the possibility of sleeping in.  Perhaps it is because what I say goes.  Or perhaps it is because I give myself the day to not stress about anything...not the laundry, not the dishes, not a meal plan or cooking.  I even refuse to let myself think about my to-do list for the week.  Granted, sometimes this backfires, but I don't care.

This Mother's Day, I did sleep in.  When I came out of the bedroom, I was greeted with choruses of "Happy Mother's Day, Mommy!" and a delicious pancake and strawberry breakfast.  I had been given my hand made gifts and cards on the Friday prior and wore then proudly to school that day.  On Mother's Day morning, I received perfectly selected gifts that my kids bought with the Kohl's Cash that we had.  They have pretty good taste - I got a shirt and a dress that I love.

In addition, I got flowers in decorated holders that the kids had made at at Home Depot and more cards, including some that they had made completely by themselves and a very special one from Everly:

My family appeased me and we took a trip to my favorite state park, where I hoped to have a picnic lunch and a hike.  Unfortunately, it was a bit cold.  We shivered through our lunch, played on the playground a bit, and then when we saw a snowflake in the first 10 yards of our hike, we decided to bag it.  

Definitely one of my favorite keepsakes from the day was the song that Everly sang for me...

...which I absolute adored, even though after she was done, the kids immediately started singing about "stinky old toots."

You can't win them all, I suppose.  But I will take what I can get.  And what I've got are two very good kids and a full heart.

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