Sunday, November 6, 2011

I am thankful

I have been feeling kind of bummed about not writing more posts lately, but I just looked at the posts from last year at this time, and I realized it was the same kind of deal.  This time of year is just C R A Z Y.  And when there are so many things that I need to do and want to do and have to do, writing a blog entry kind of gets pushed to the wayside, unfortunately.

Some of my friends have been doing status updates every day in November that express for what they are thankful.  While I have not been doing that, I have certainly been feeling thankful lately.  And while I do not have time at the moment to compose a typical blog entry, I certainly have the time to reflect for a bit and write five things that I am thankful for (one for each day of the month so far):
  1. I am thankful for the joy that my children bring into my life each day, even though they sometimes also completely frustrate me.
  2. I am thankful to have a partner in my life that is supportive and giving and understanding and encouraging, who doesn't always agree with me, but who will always listen to me, and who is my best friend (and a great dad).
  3. I am thankful for girlfriends that I know will be there for me in an instant if I need them, and who don't hold it against me when we don't talk or get together for a while because our lives are so hectic (and that when we do get together or talk we are able to pick right up where we left off as if we just talked yesterday).
  4. I am thankful that all of the things that make me so busy at this time of the year are things I enjoy doing.  (Well, not the cleaning.)
  5. I am thankful for beautiful fall Sundays that include a submarine tour, fruit flambe, a walk along the river, music playing, a breeze blowing, and kids napping in the car.

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