Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Random thoughts for the day

  • I have for years said that they need to make Reese's Peanut Butter flavored gum.  They have recently come out with flavors such as Mint Chocolate Chip flavored gum.  If some day they come out with Reese's Peanut Butter flavored gum, I just want to have it on public record that I had the idea.  If I could do it, if I knew how to patent it, I would.  Because I know it will be a big hit someday.  Just wait.
  • I never thought I would be the mom who was reluctant to get her daughter's hair cut, but here I am.
  • A little time capsule tidbit:  I am thrilled, thrilled, that strawberries are only $1 on sale this week at our new Shop n' Save (they are normally at least twice that, and we eat a lot of them) and bananas are $0.24 per pound (last week, $0.54, and again, we eat a lot of them).  But gas for $4??  Seriously?  It is scary to think about how much higher it will go before summer is over.  Sigh.
  • I have several friends that are due to have babies this summer.  Weirdly, I feel so far away from baby-mode.  I am so happy for my friends and am excited to see the babies and hold the babies.  I loved being pregnant, and in some ways I kind of miss the thought of going through the stages again to get to the two-year-old phase.  But realistically, I am really glad that it is them and not me.  And I mean that in the most congratulatory, loving, and supportive way possible.  I just know my limits.
  • After this evening's run, I will have run 94 miles since starting my half-marathon training program.  I am really looking forward to my 5K on Saturday.  And, while I am a little nervous for him, I am especially looking forward to Cortlan's 1K.
  • Speaking of running, I have about ten different routes of varying distances that I regularly run.  It occurred to me yesterday that not once have I run one of my routes backwards.  And in fact, it kind of makes me a little nauseated thinking about it.  Is that weird?
  • Everly changed at least one component of her her outfit three times this morning before leaving for school.  Cortlan wore a coffee scented belt to taekwondo yesterday.  I came into work this morning with hair dripping and pants soaked through from the torrential downpour I experienced for the whole ten second sprint to the door.  Nice.


  1. I hate running the routes backwards...I just add more routes. There is some psychological thing in my head that makes me think I am running so much farther.

    As one of your pregnant friends who is super excited to welcome a baby boy to the family, I AM DONE! I felt a bit strange about doing it,but asked the doctor at the 28 week appointment about whether they would tie my tubes after delivery. It will happen the next day. I feel much better about it after I started throwing up last night AGAIN, went to the bathroom about 17 times, have two kids fighting over hugging my pregnant belly, had to climb on chairs to capture the escaped butterfly with my class cheering me on...I can't be lucky enough to win the 1/500 fail rate on the surgery.

  2. Oh Kelly! Yep. Sounds like you are done. Well, almost there! :)
