Sunday, May 8, 2011

My Mother's Day

I woke to the sound of the bedroom door closing behind John and I knew that was the cue for me to stay in bed as long as I wanted (within reason, of course).  I heard the rustling of the house coming to life, and I just laid there, listening to the sweet sounds.  The slow awakening was a nice break from the typical:  Everly busting into the room declaring, "I all done sleepin!!!" or Cortlan suddenly appearing at my bedside saying, "I have to go potty!"  I enjoyed my comfortable bed for a little while longer, and I emerged from the bedroom.

I entered the living room, where the kids and John were snuggled on the couch watching Curious George, and Everly immediately looked up and said, "Happy Muss Day, Mommy!"  Cortlan followed suit, "Happy Mudders Day!"  Everly invited me to sit beside her and I got comfy under the blankets between my two favorite kids.

The day continued, full of love, smiles, and laughter - a simple breakfast with me using the special Red Mug and Plate; John taking the kids to the store while providing me with a quiet house; husband-assisted, kid-picked gifts including a hanging basket, Twizzlers, a necklace, and bracelets (that Everly immediately put on and wore for the rest of the day); my first ever Mother's Day brunch (for which John had made reservations and which included an awesome made-to-order wild mushroom, spinach, and brie omelet and scrumptious desserts, among other tasty delights); relaxing in the sun on the deck with a book; and ending with a trip to my grandmother's house where we got to spend some bonus family time.

I love Mother's Day.  I love relishing in the sweetness of my kids.  I love the pride I feel when I look at them.  I love being reminded of love. 

I love being a mom.

Mother's Day 2011

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