Sunday, May 15, 2011

My Baby

Cortlan was two years, two months old to the day when Everly was born.  Everly turned that age on May 9th.  It is weird to think about what it would be like to be bringing a baby home now.  And it is interesting to think about my perception of the two of them, then and now.  When we brought Everly home, Cortlan immediately became the big brother.  He seemed so grown up.  She was the baby.  Sometimes I realize that I still kind of think of her as a baby, but she is so not a baby anymore, and I have been reminded of that a lot lately.

First, there is the potty training, which is going fabulously.  When we started "bribing" her with a Smartie for going pee on the potty, she immediately figured out that she could manipulate the system.  There were days when she went potty every ten minutes, just so she could get a treat.  By Easter, when her treat became a jelly bean, she had lengthened that time quite a bit.  Now, she is initiating the trip to the bathroom much of the time, and only asks for a treat some of the time.  When she asks, she gets it, but now there is a stipulation: only if her Pull-Up is clean.   She often wakes from nap dry.  Still no success with Number 2, but hopefully that will come soon.

Then there are the words that come out of Everly's mouth and the thought that she puts into them.  After bath tonight, Cortlan had his hooded towel on that is made to look like a monster.  Everly looked at him and said, "Agh!  Moser!" with a feigned scared look on her face.  And then she giggled.

Conversations with Everly are often interesting and entertaining, like this one, which occurred on the way home yesterday after having walked through some mud: 

Everly: What's sis on my yeg?
Me: It's a little dirt on your leg from walking through the mud.  It's ok.
Everly:  What's sis on my yeg?
Me:  It's dirt.  We will clean it off when we get home.  Don't worry about it.
Everly:  What's sis on my yeg?
Me:  It's dirt, Everly.
Everly:  What's sis on my yeg?
Me:  Dirt.
Everly:  Der's sompin' on my yeg.  What's is it?
Cortlan:  IT'S DIRT!

And I love that my kids have conversations with each other now.  Like this morning, when Cortlan asked Everly if she wanted to play, and she answered him, and they went back and forth about what they were going to do.  It seems pretty inconsequential, but it says a lot to me about how much they've grown.  They are two human beings with their own thoughts, and they are quickly gaining independence.  I didn't have to be the interpreter, or the go-between, or even tell them what to do.  I didn't have to tell Cortlan to play with his sister, or Everly to play with her brother.  They are becoming playmates, as I have always hoped.  And I hope that they continue to be.

On a daily basis now, I see it:  My little girl isn't a baby anymore.  I guess I am kind of okay with that.  I guess I have to be.  I am just glad that I get a lot more time with her as a two-year-old, because despite the ups and downs, I love this age.

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