Thursday, August 19, 2010

All the women who are Independent...

I learned today that when plans include lunch at a fast food restaurant, I should always take an extra change of clothes for Everly.  Today, I had a choice between Everly screaming at the top of her lungs as she grabbed and pulled at a full container of milk with a straw in it while I held it (with no chance of her drinking any) or allowing her to "drink" it herself.  Yes, well, in the best interest of everyone within a half-mile of McDonald's (and because there was no chance of me winning the standoff anyway), I chose to let her do things her way.  I took a sip off of the top so it wasn't quite as full, and then watched as she poured milk all over herself.  She doesn't quite get that you aren't supposed to tilt the milk jug when there is a straw in it.  She flinched as it splashed on her face, then she put the milk jug down, promptly grabbed a napkin and attempted to clean up her mess, and then took a bite of her food.  Then she did it again.  It took four or five tries to empty that milk, and not even after the huge spill that went right up her nose did she allow me to touch it or help her in any way.  I have a feeling she may be the child that someday wears a bathing suit top and sweatpants with a Halloween mask in February because she insisted on dressing herself.  Spinning it positively, I've got to give her a shout out for the take charge attitude.