Sunday, March 9, 2014

Happy 5th, Ev!

There is something about turning a whole hand full of fingers that makes things seem so different.  My baby girl is now five years old.  And she's not much of a baby anymore.

Less than a week ago, I took off of work so that I could take Everly for Kindergarten registration.  We walked into the school, checked in, and headed to the room where she would be evaluated.  She was quiet, but answered questions and said "thank you" when complimented on her shoes.  She walked surely to the first station with the woman escorting her, and I heard her answer confidently when asked her name, some rhyming words, letter sounds.  She moved easily to the next station with a sly grin on her face as she passed me, and then proceeded to catch bean bags, hop on one foot, and cut with scissors.  She moved from station to station, ready to show what she knows.  Ready to start.  Ready to do what it takes to get to go to school with her big brother.

We headed home and prepared for the next part of our day - the part for which Everly has waited years and that we promised would happen for her 5th birthday.  Grandma H. arrived at our house and we headed over to Grandma V.'s house to pick her up and travel to the mall, where Everly got her ears pierced.  She was tough.  She didn't flinch when the first ear was pierced.  She didn't move until about 10 seconds after the second ear was pierced, when she curled into me with a few silent tears.  She pulled herself together quickly, though, and was ready for a picture.

Fast forward a few days, and it is time for her to officially wake as a five year old.  It is hard to believe.

These five years have gone fast, but I have loved the adventure, the waiting to see what comes next.  And you just never know with Everly.  There is no doubt that she is a strong-willed, independent-minded girl who loves to get dirty as much as pretty, though.  We butt heads occasionally, but she is my kind of girl.  She is funny and smart and she seems to be learning to use her powers for good, as we have encouraged her to do - gaining attention in more positive ways than negatives lately, as she has learned that she can make us laugh as easily as she can make us scream.

My baby girl woke with a smile on her face on March 9th, ready to face the world as a 5 year old.  And me, ready to face the world with her.

Happy birthday, Everly-Beverly-Boo.  I love you.

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