Wednesday, October 9, 2013

After the Concussion Center

This was a Facebook post I just wrote after returning home from the Concussion Center for anyone who is interested and may not see it there:

I feel the need to post an update as to how things have been going with me since my car accident last week. Skip right on past this very long post if you aren't interested, but in the hopes of disseminating this information in an efficient way to a number of people who are, here goes:

My accident was Tuesday 10/1. On 10/2 I saw my PCP who diagnosed me with a mild to moderate concussion. My symptoms included fatigue/exhaustion, headaches, feeling "foggy," some balance issues, feeling "out of body" at times, and some sensitivity to sounds, among others. I did not go to work on doctor's orders for the rest of last week. 

By Sunday, my symptoms had improved enough to be, in my opinion, manageable. I was very interested in getting back to work, so I gave it a shot on Monday. It was a disaster. My symptoms were back full force by 4th period. I made it through the day and after school went to the ER where they did the CT Scan of my neck and head that everyone had been urging me to get. It was clear. They confirmed my concussion diagnosis and referred me to the UPMC Concussion Center.

I stayed home from work yesterday. I made an appointment with the Concussion Center. I just got back from one of the best experiences I have had in my entire life with any medical personnel for any reason. I saw an amazing doctor. I took the ImPACT test, which is the same concussion test currently used in the NFL and is also the same test that they require our school athletes to take prior to playing any sports so to have a baseline in case of concussion. I was honestly shocked at the results. I scored in the 3rd percentile on one portion of the test. I don't think that I have scored in the 3rd percentile on anything in my entire life. And I tried HARD on this test.

When the doctor reviewed the results with John and me, he was amazingly informative and on point with everything that I was experiencing. He predicted symptoms that I hadn't even mentioned and even went so far as to say that "you were probably doing ok until about the third period you had to teach" (exactly - that was 4th period). A few more tests with my vision, along with my account of feeling pressure behind my eyes and trouble focusing, confirmed that I have an ocular/vestibular concussion, which will require therapy for a full recovery. Apparently, the anxiety that I felt when I walked through the locker area at school on Monday is a prime symptom of issues with the vestibular system due to mixed signals between the eyes and brain. (He did one test on me where I had to focus on his finger while moving my head back and forth, and I started shaking with an overwhelming nervous/anxious feeling...that was what he thought would happen. I had no clue. The human body is amazing...and crazy.)

So - no more work for me this week. I start back on Monday and will start vestibular therapy next week. I am allowed on the computer and allowed to watch TV but only with frequent breaks. I am allowed to drive, but only on familiar roads for a while (which makes sense...I told john that I needed him to drive me to the appointment in the city today, yet I feel no problem driving around home or to work and back.)

I feel so relieved that I am not going crazy, that there is a name for all of this and that I am a "typical case" with all of the typical symptoms and that this doctor knew exactly what I meant anytime I said a word. We are so fortunate to have such excellent facilities here and I am happy to say I have a plan in place for a full recovery!!

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