Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Happy Birthday, Everly

On March 13, 2009, I sat in disbelief, looking at my newborn, wondering how the previous four days had passed in such a blur.  I have a four-day-old baby.  And a two-year-old.

Now, I sit here on March 13, 2013 and wonder, first, how the previous four days have passed in such a blur that I haven't had even ten minutes to sit and write Everly's birthday post.  And second, how the past four years have passed so quickly.  I have a four-year-old.  And a six-year-old.

There is nothing quite the milestones of children to bring you face to face with the reality of passing time.  I am not sure that I am ever going to get used to that.  As trite as it is to say, they grow so quickly.

In my twenties, time seemed to not matter so much for some reason.  The days bled into each other, and so did the months.  Years came and went without much fanfare.  I attended weddings, including my own, saw my friends buy houses, and then us, too.  Life was beginning and it was all ahead of us.  But days were days and months were months and years were years.

Time just seems so different now.  Days can bring tons of new words, new stories.  Or the ability to fix her own hair.  Or the desire to shower herself.  Days can mean more independence, crossing the street by herself, or buckling herself in the car.  Days can bring saying that a once beloved shirt is now "too sparkly."

Weeks bring the ability to do a flip on the bar at gymnastics.  Desire for a new haircut.  Wanting to read me a book.  Weeks can bring an attitude change about school.  New friends.  New interests.

And years.  Years bring me a four-year-old that loves to sing, that loves to draw, and learn, and write, and play with her baby dolls.  A four-year-old that still has just as much attitude as she did when she was months old.  One that still wants new shoes at every turn.  Years have brought me a strong-willed, intelligent little girl full of promise and a desire to please.  (Right, Mommy?)  A girl that strives for independence...until she wants help.  Years have brought me a four-year-old that loves to laugh and to make us laugh, too.  Years have brought me many good night hugs and kisses and "Mommy, will you sleep on me?"'s and "What do you want to dream about?"'s.

It is hard to imagine what the years ahead will bring me.  It is hard to imagine that someday I will have a teenage girl.  And then a girl in her twenties, maybe getting married.  Maybe buying a house.  Maybe having children of her own.

I think I am going to focus on the days.  The days are sweet.

Happy birthday, my baby girl.  Happy birthday, Everly.

A message from Cortlan, made with zero assistance presented to Everly when she woke on Saturday.  "Dear Everly, From Cortlan.  I love you Everly.  Happy Birthday."


  1. Joyce, you say it all so well.Even though I do not have a daughter ,I feel that way about all those around me including YOU!!!!! Aunt Jozia
