Monday, October 1, 2012

Take THAT...

We had a really nice day yesterday, with a trip to one of the city's museums in the afternoon.  Several venues in the city were free over the weekend as part of a large event.  We took the opportunity to visit one of the museums that is not part of our membership and spent about two hours touring the exhibits... just enough time to not lose interest or be too tired, but certainly not enough time to warrant a full admission.  Perfect.

We left the museum at closing, which was 5pm.  Thinking it would be quicker to grab a bite to eat out (a rare occasion) than to go home and cook, we checked our coupons and found a restaurant that we had never tried before.  We got to the restaurant only to find that it wasn't open on Sunday...unfamiliarity with the hours being a clear downfall of trying a new place.  We were hungry.  Unfortunately, at that point, the only thing close enough and quick enough was Dairy Queen as a plan B.  Certainly not the type of restaurant we had originally picked, but it would do...and it has been a while since we have had an ice cream treat.

On the way home, John and I struggled to have some sort of conversation in the front while the kids alternated between getting along and bickering in the back.  At one point, I heard Cortlan threaten Everly with, "Well then you aren't going to be allowed to come to my 'Life is Good Festival'!" which is a festival that actually exists and we heard about on the radio, but one about which Cortlan knows nothing.  Apparently, he liked the sound of it, so he has developed some make-believe festival by the same name.  And apparently, Everly did something to warrant being banned from said make-believe festival. 

The conversations continued, and I more-or-less tuned the kids out for a bit, letting them have their own discussions while John and I had ours.  It wasn't long, however, before I heard, "Daddy?"

It was Everly, and she sounded a bit peeved.


"Would you like to stay home with Cortlan on my birthday?" she asked.

We were confused for a minute.  "Stay home with Cortlan on your birthday?" I repeated for clarification.

"Yes.  Because he isn't allowed to come."

Ahhhhhh.....Cort, I think she one-upped you on the "Life is Good Festival" banishment. 

And she even covered for your supervision.

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