Tuesday, June 28, 2016

Outsmarted by a seven year old?

Everly: How many Reece's Pieces can I have [as a snack]?
Me (with a wink):  As many as you are willing to give me.

Everly looked at me, thinking. Clearly, this caused a dilemma (which was kind of the intent): if she took ten, that meant she had to give me ten. But if she only gave me one, that meant she only got one. I was curious as to how she would handle this.

So she thought for a bit. And then, she did something I hadn't even considered.

She handed me the entire bag.

Because she wanted the entire bag.


  1. What a smart little girl! She may want to consider becoming a lawyer. ;)

  2. jeanette@mail.postmanllc.net

  3. Funny how we are outsmarted by children.
